Editing Text with The Keyboard

The box that displays the text of the active clip is a full-featured edit control. In fact, it is the same edit control that powers EditPad, one of the most flexible and convenient text editors available today (see https://www.editpadpro.com).

Beyond typing in text, the editor box recognizes the following keyboard shortcuts:

Cursor movement keys

Arrow key             Moves the text cursor (blinking vertical bar).
Ctrl+Left arrow       Moves the text cursor to the start of the previous word or the end of the previous line, whichever is closer.
Ctrl+Right arrow      Moves the text cursor to the start of the next line or the end of the current line, whichever is closer.

Page up/down          Moves the text cursor up or down an entire screen.
Ctrl+Page up/down     Scrolls the text one screen up or down.

Home                  Moves the text cursor to the beginning of the line.
Ctrl+Home             Moves the text cursor to the start of the entire text.
End                   Moves the text cursor to the end of the line.
Ctrl+End              Moves the text cursor to the end of the entire text.

Shift+Movement key    Moves the text cursor and expand or shrink the selection towards the new text cursor position.
                      If there was no selection, one is started.
                      Pressing Ctrl as well, will move the text cursor correspondingly.

Clip selection keys

Ctrl+Up/Down arrow    Selects the clip listed above or below the active clip in the collection.
                      This is a fast way to browse through clips and keeps input focus on the editor box.

Editing commands

Delete                Deletes the current selection if there is one and selections are not persistent.
                      Otherwise, the character to the right of the caret is deleted.
Ctrl+Delete           Deletes the current selection if there is one.
                      Otherwise, the part of the current word to the right of the text cursor is deleted.
Shift+Ctrl+Delete     All the text on the current line to the right of the text cursor is deleted.

Backspace             Deletes the current selection if there.
                      Otherwise, the character to the left of the text cursor is deleted.
Ctrl+Backspace        Deletes the current selection if there.
                      Otherwise, the part of the current word to the left of the text cursor is deleted.
Shift+Ctrl+Backspace  Deletes the current selection if there is one.
                      Otherwise, all the text on the current line to the left of the text cursor is deleted.

Alt+Backspace         Undo
Alt+Shift+Backspace   Redo

Ctrl+Z                Undo
Ctrl+Y                Redo

Insert                Toggles between insert and overwrite mode.

Tab                   If there is a selection that spans multiple lines then the selected lines are indented.
                      Otherwise, a tab is inserted (possibly replacing a single-line selection if it is not persistent).
Shift+Tab             If there is a selection that spans multiple lines then the selected lines are unindented (outdented).
                      Otherwise, if there is a tab (or a series of spaces the size of a tab) to the left of the text cursor then that tab or spaces are deleted.

Ctrl+A                Select All
Ctrl+Alt+Y            Delete Line
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+Y      Duplicate Line

Clipboard commands

Ctrl+X                Cut
Ctrl+C                Copy
Ctrl+V                Paste

Shift+Delete          Cut
Ctrl+Insert           Copy
Shift+Insert          Paste

Characters with Diacritics

You can type many characters with diacritics in AceText even if they don’t appear on your keyboard. First, hold down the Ctrl key and press a punctuation key. If your keyboard uses the Shift key to type a particular punctuation character then hold down the Shift key too. Release all keys. Then type in a letter from A to Z, holding down Shift if you want a capital letter.
