
Click the RegexBuddy button on the Search toolbar of the AceText Editor or press Ctrl+Shift+R in AceText to launch RegexBuddy. The regular expression you were using in AceText is automatically transferred to RegexBuddy. Click the Send button on the main toolbar in RegexBuddy to send the modified regex back to AceText.

RegexBuddy makes it easy to prepare regular expressions for use with AceText and a variety of other applications and programming languages. RegexBuddy can also analyze existing regular expressions and convert regular expressions from the hundreds of regex flavors that it supports to AceText’s flavor, and vice versa.

RegexBuddy is a separate product available from Just Great Software, the developer of AceText. If you don’t have it installed, then the RegexBuddy button in AceText shows a message introducing RegexBuddy.