The Delete Duplicate Clips button is only available on the collection toolbar when the ClipHistory tab, the All Collections tab, or an AceText Collection tab is active. A dialog box appears when you click the button.
First you can choose the scope from which to delete duplicate clips. This can be the entire collection or just the clips that you have selected. If your selection includes folders, then the clips inside those folders are also considered to be selected.
Then you can choose which clips that each clip should be compared with to see whether it is a duplicate. If you select "anywhere in the scope", then any clip that is a duplicate of any other clip higher up in the entire collection or in the selection is deleted. If you select “clips in the same folder only”, then any clip that is a duplicate of a sibling clip higher up in the same folder is deleted. The sibling must also be selected for it to be compared if the scope is set to “selected clips”. If you set the proximity rule to “adjacent clips only”, then a clip is deleted if it is a duplicate of the clip immediately before it within the same folder. The adjacent clip does not need to be selected for it to be compared.
Finally, you can choose which parts of the clips that should be compared, and whether the comparison should be case sensitive. If you select multiple parts then all of those parts must be the same between two clips for them to be treated as duplicates. Parts that you don’t select are not compared. Blank parts are considered to be the same. If you decide to delete duplicate clips comparing only their labels, for example, and you have multiple clips without labels, then all but one of those will be deleted.